Chlorine and Cabonmonoxid in Phosgen

Advantage of the customer

  • Continuous measurements allows for a timely intervention in the process
  • Higher process safety
  • Lower reprocessing costs through consistent quality
  • Exact Process Control

Safe Quality

  • No transport outside the secure zone needed
  • Fast and accurate on line measurement
  • Immediate results

Advantage Provide by Pier-Electronic

  • Continuous measurements
  • Precise measurement
  • Low zero drift for UV analyzer
  • Optical span filter for calibration check
  • High online availability (+99.5%)

CO + Cl2 → COCl2

Measuring range:
0 – 10 % CO

Measuring range:
0 – 500 vpm Cl2

Detection limit: 5 ppm (Cl2)
Detection limit: 0.1 % (CO)
Accuracy: +/-1 % from the measuringrange
Reproducibility: 0.05 %
Stability: 0.1% per day